Panhandle Wildfire Relief Information

How can you help?

There are many items, supplies and support needed to help our neighbors to the north recover from the recent fires.

Currently, there are two ways you can help.

  1. Donate Supplies

  2. Donate Funds

Information to Donate Supplies:

We are in touch with individuals who are coordinating relief efforts in the Borger/Fritch area as well as in the bottle calve headquarters in Canyon. Lists of items needed for each effort can be found below. Items donated can be brought to the church conference room. We have access to a trailer that will be loaded to head north soon.

Items needed for Borger/Fritch area where 100 homes have been lost. The area is in need of items for livestock and for people:

Items for Livestock:

Cedar Fence posts, t-posts, barbed wire, wire clips, fencing tools, hay, cubes, and mineral tubs.

Items needed for People:

Canned goods, non perishable food, pasta/cereal, tools, rakes, shovels, paper products, plates, plastic ware, cups, paper towels, clothing detergent (free and clear), cleaning products, rags, dog food, cat food, feminine products, jars of baby food, formula, electrolyte drink packets, medical supplies like advil, tylenol, bandaids, antibiotic salves, nose spray, eye drops, nettie pots

Items needed for the Bottle Calve Headquarters where calves will be coming in at the end of the week and supplies and care will start immediately:

Calf Supplies and Support:

Corona ointment, surgical bandages (non stick), sheet cotton, gauze (rolls), vet wrap, ear tags (blank prefer one piece z-tags small any color, ear tag pliers, bags of shavings for bedding, 8qt buckets, storage totes, fans, 10 & 20cc syringes, and 14 & 16ga needles.

Information to Donate Funds

At this time, Hope Lutheran Church & School will be accepting donations for relief funds that will be donated to the LCMS Texas District Disaster Relief program. The district is in the process of assessing needs and setting up trusted avenues to donate funds to those in need in the affected areas. Donations can be made to Hope Lutheran Church & School or made online here. Once the Texas District has established a line of support with those in the area, funds donated to Hope will be given to this reliable source to reach those in need.

**Designate your funds to Wild Fire Relief Fund using the drop down to select the fund**